##### SLIME ##### Getting help ============ * , help - repl commands * ctrl+c ctrl+d d - describe symbol * ctrl+c ctrl+d h - hyperspec manual * ctrl+c ctrl+d ctrl+z - apropos * ctrl+c ctrl+d ctrl+p - list symbols of package Evaluation ========== * ctrl+c ctrl+r - eval region * ctrl+x ctrl+e - eval expression * ctrl+c ctrl+z - jump to repl Jumping around ============== * alt+x slime-selector - jump around in lisp / slime buffer * alt+. - jump to source * alt+x slime-list-callers * alt+p / n - previous / next warning / error Autocompletion ============== * ctrl+c TAB - autocomplete symbol * ctrl+c ctrl+s - autocomplete form Helpers ======= * ctrl+alt+q - format lisp expression * ctrl+c ctrl+k - compile whole file * ctrl+alt+t transpose expressions * ctrl+alt+k kill expression * ctrl+c return - macro expansion Debugger ======== * ctrl+c alt+i - inspect value * ctrl+c ctrl+t trace expression * (untrace) * (on frame in stacktrace) alt+x sldb-show-source * i - inspect frame * t - toggle details * v - view source * q - quit * c - continue Using Swank for remote lisp repl ================================ * Starting swank server .. code-block:: lisp (ql:quickload "swank") (setf swank:*use-dedicated-output-stream* nil) (setf swank:*communication-style* :fd-handler) (swank:create-server :dont-close t) * Setup SSH tunnel on local Emacs machine .. code-block:: bash ssh -L 4005:localhost:4005 me@remote-machine * Reconnect slime with M-x slime-connect Swank as a daemon ================= * https://github.com/vy/swank-daemon