########## Openstack ########## Overview ======== * Tenant is something like an organization or mandant (can have multiple users) --> In new versions called project ================ ================ ======================================================================== Subsystem Ports Description ---------------- ---------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Keystone 5000, 35357 Identity service (manages user, roles, tenants, services and endpoints) Port 5000 for auth, 35357 for service registry Glance 9191, 9292 Image service (manages kvm, qemu, vmware, amazon s3 etc images) Nova Compute service (manage startup / life of virtual machines using libvirt) Nova Scheduler 59229 Decide where to create a new instance Nova API 8773, 8774, 8775 Access Nova functionality Nova Network Configure network if Neutron is not in use Nova Compute Management controller for virtual machines Nova Conductor Encapsulate database api for nova Nova ObjectStore 3333 File-based Storage system (can be replaced by Swift or Ceph) Nova Cert Nova CA service for x509 certificates Nova Console VNC access support Nova Consoleauth VNC authorization Cinder 8776 Volumne service (manages additional storage and replication via LVM / iSCSI / Ceph) Neutron Network configuration service - install network client on each vm Swift Distributed File Storage Service (can be used to store images for Glance) Ceph Ceph is a distributed storage system (object store, block store and POSIX-compliant distributed file system) Horizon 80 Admin webfrontend in Django ================ ================ ======================================================================== * How an instances is started http://ilearnstack.wordpress.com/2013/04/26/request-flow-for-provisioning-instance-in-openstack/?preview=true&preview_id=410&preview_nonce=3618fe51b7 Installation ============ * Out-of-the-box http://openstack.redhat.com/Quickstart .. code-block:: bash packstack --allinone # multi node setup with nova network packstack --install-hosts=node1,node2,node3 --os-neutron-install=n # alternativly generate an answer file and edit it packstack --gen-answer-file /root/answers.txt # iterative changes (edit answerfile in home dir) packstack --answer-file= * Manually http://docs.openstack.org/install/ * By using puppet https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Puppet-openstack Configfile to source ==================== .. code-block:: bash export OS_USERNAME=admin export OS_PASSWORD= export OS_TENANT_NAME= export OS_AUTH_URL= User management =============== * Either source configfile above or use `--token --endpoint` * List .. code-block:: bash keystone tenant-list keystone user-list * Create .. code-block:: bash keystone user-create --name USERNAME --pass PASSWORD keystone user-role-add --user-id --role-id --tenant-id * The privileges of a role are defined in ``/etc/keystone/policy.json`` Create images ============= * Install your system with libvirt * Install cloud-init * Take the disk image * For more information http://docs.openstack.org/image-guide/content/centos-image.html Adding images ============= * List .. code-block:: bash glance image-list * Create .. code-block:: bash glance image-create --name="arch linux" --is-public true --disk-format raw --container-format bare --file "arch_linux.img" * Share an Image with another tenant (--can-share defines it can be reshared) .. code-block:: bash glance member-create --can-share * Download an image (e.g. for testing purpose) .. code-block:: bash glance image-download Flavors ======= * List .. code-block:: bash nova flavor-list * Create .. code-block:: bash nova flavor-create <name> <id> <ram> <disk> <vcpus> Host Aggregates =============== * Group hypervisors and assign metadata to it to combine it with a flavor so you can start e.g. some vms on monster machines and some on slow ones * Create a new group .. code-block:: bash nova aggregate-create nova aggregate-add-host nova aggregate-list nova aggregate-details * Assign metadata to group .. code-block:: bash nova aggregate-add-metadata key=value (e.g. highspec=1) * Assign metadata to flavor .. code-block:: bash nova flavor-key set highspec=true * To isolate tenants in a certain host aggregation use ``AggregateMultiTenancyIsolation`` as ``scheduler_default_filters`` in ``/etc/nova/nova.conf`` and set metadata ``filter_tenant_id=`` to your aggregation .. code-block:: bash nova aggregate-add-metadata filter_tenant_id= Cells (untested) ================ * Seperate compute nodes into independent groups with its own db, amqp, network and scheduler servers which share single services like nova-api, keystone, glance, cinder, ceilometer and heat * Useful to avoid clustering amqp and db servers if load gets to high on very large deployments * Activated in ``/etc/nova/nova.conf`` in section ``[cells]`` .. code-block:: bash [cells] enable = true name = MyCellName Configure networking (old style nova networking) ================================================ * FlatManager only connects vms to bridge device `no ip configuration!` * FlatDHCPManager configure network ip on bridge and starts dnsmasq dhcp server on that ip * VlanManager creates separate VLANs for each tenant * http://www.mirantis.com/blog/openstack-networking-flatmanager-and-flatdhcpmanager/ * Configure network in `/etc/nova/nova.conf` * flat_network_bridge - bridge interface * flat_interface - where bridge ends up * public_interface - used for natting floating (public) ips to private (fixed) ips .. code-block:: bash network_manager=nova.network.manager.FlatDHCPManager fixed_range= public_interface=eth0 flat_interface=eth0 flat_network_bridge=br100 * Check network settings .. code-block:: bash nova-manage network list * Setup floating ip range manually .. code-block:: bash nova-manage floating create --pool=nova --ip_range= * To automatically assign floating ip add the following to nova.conf .. code-block:: bash auto_assign_floating_ip=True * For manually assigning a floating ip to a vm .. code-block:: bash nova floating-ip-create nova add-floating-ip Configure Neutron ================= * Most of the time based on Open vSwitch (http://openvswitch.org/) * Uses network namespaces and gre tunnel or vlan to seperate tenants (projects) * You need an interface for host and one for neutron * Flat network is like nova network flat dhcp network (doesnt seperate tenants) * Create a new network and subnet .. code-block:: bash neutron net-create neutron subnet-create --name bastiSubnet --no-gateway --host-route destination=,nexthop= --dns-nameserver * List existing networks .. code-block:: bash neutron net-list * Get ips / mac of vms .. code-block:: bash neutron port-list * Routing between two nets .. code-block:: bash neutron router-create neutron router-interface-add neutron router-interface-add neutron router-list * Delete an interface from a router .. code-block:: bash neutron router-interface-delete * Create a floating net .. code-block:: bash neutron net-create --router:external=True floatingNet neutron subnet-create --name floatingNet --allocation-pool start=,end= --enable_dhcp=False floatingNet neutron router-gateway-set floatingNet * Find agent hosting a network .. code-block:: bash neutron dhcp-agent-list-hosting-net * Find network namespace of a vm .. code-block:: bash nova show # get tenant id neutron net-list --tenant-id neutron dhcp-agent-list-hosting-net # find host where net is served ip netns exec # on serving host * Find fixed ips for tenant .. code-block:: bash neutron port-list -f csv -c fixed_ips --tenant_id | grep subnet | cut -d ' ' -f 4 | sed 's/["}]//g' * Release a floating ip ..code-block:: bash neutron floatingip-list --tenant-id $TENANT_ID neutron floatingip-disassociate $ID neutron floatingip-delete $ID * Release all floating ips of a tenant .. code-block:: bash for ID in $(neutron floatingip-list --tenant-id $TENANT_ID -c id -f csv |grep -v float | sed 's/"//g'); do neutron floatingip-disassociate $ID; neutron floatingip-delete $ID; done * Firewall rule handling .. code-block:: bash neutron security-group-list neutron security-group-create --protocol ICMP --direction ingress neutron security-group-rule-list * Quota (independent from nova network quotas!) .. code-block:: bash neutron quota-update --network 0 --router 0 --floatingip 5 --tenant-id neutron quota-list * Complete example .. code-block:: bash neutron net-create external --router:external=True neutron subnet-create --disable-dhcp external neutron net-create net0 neutron subnet-create --name net0-subnet0 --dns-nameserver net0 neutron router-create extrouter neutron router-gateway-set extrouter external neutron router-interface-add extrouter net0-subnet0 neutron security-group-rule-create --protocol icmp default neutron security-group-rule-create --protocol tcp --port-range-min 22 --port-range-max 22 default ip netns exec qdhcp- ssh @ ip a add dev br-ex iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s -j MASQUERADE Managing security groups ======================== * Security groups define access rules for virtual machines .. code-block:: bash nova secgroup-list nova secgroup-create mygroup "test group" nova secgroup-add-rule mygroup tcp nova secgroup-list-rules mygroup Injecting SSH keys ================== .. code-block:: bash nova keypair-list nova keypair-add --pub_key ~/.ssh/id_dsa.pub a_name Handling instances ================== * Instances can be found in `/var/lib/nova/instances` * Create a new machine .. code-block:: bash nova flavor-list nova image-list nova boot --poll --flavor --image --key_name --security_group mygroup nova list --all-tenants * Logfile `/var/log/nova/compute.log` * Get console output .. code-block:: bash nova console-log * Remove a machine .. code-block:: bash nova delete * If it cannot be removed use .. code-block:: bash nova force-delete * Start / stop / suspend existing machine .. code-block:: bash nova [start|stop|suspend] * Show details about a machine .. code-block:: bash nova show * Connect to machines display .. code-block:: bash nova get-vnc-console novnc * Show all vms and where they are running .. code-block:: bash nova-manage vm list * Connect to a neutron network .. code-block:: bash nova boot --nic net-id= * Execute a script after creation (image needs to support cloud init and nova metadata must be running) .. code-block:: bash nova boot --user-data ./myscript.sh --flavor ... * In user-data scripts cloud-config can be used to configure the machine in yaml or by invoking puppet (see http://docs.openstack.org/user-guide/content/user-data.html) VNC access =========== * First install requirements `novnc` and `openstack-nova-novncproxy` * Edit /etc/nova/nova.conf .. code-block:: bash novnc_enabled=true vnc_keymap="de-de" * Make sure `nova-consoleauth` is running .. code-block:: bash nova-manage service list * ``vncserver_proxyclient_address`` must contain the official ip of the compute node * Get an access url to throw in your browser .. code-block:: bash nova get-vnc-console novnc Adding additional storage ========================= * Cinder uses LVM2 (or Ceph, NetApp, ...) + ISCSI * Can only attach a block device to one vm * Activate Cinder in /etc/nova/nova.conf (restart nova-api and cinder-api afterwards) .. code-block:: bash volume_api_class=nova.volume.cinder.API enable_apis=ec2,osapi_compute,metadata * Create and attach a new columne .. code-block:: bash cinder create --display_name test 1 cinder list nova volume-list nova volume-attach auto * Create a snapshot .. code-block:: bash nova volume-detach cinder snapshot-create --display-name * Restore a snapshot .. code-block:: bash cinder snapshot-list cinder create --snapshot-id --display-name * Boot from image in cinder .. code-block:: bash cinder create --display-name --image-id nova boot --block-device-mapping vda= --flavor ... * Resize a volumne offline .. code-block:: bash cinder extend * QoS .. code-block:: bash cinder qos-create standard-iops consumer="front-end" read_iops_sec=400 write_iops_sec=200 cinder qos-associate Quotas ====== * A value of -1 means unlimited * Show all quotas of a tenant / project .. code-block:: bash nova quota-show --tenant * To configure default quota for all tenants edit ``/etc/nova/nova.conf`` and set the desired quota like .. code-block:: bash quota_instances=100 * To update the quota of just one tenant execute .. code-block:: bash nova quota-update --instances 100 Ceilometer ========== * Collects data for statistics, alarmings ("monitoring as a service") or interaction with Heat * Compute agent polls libvirt, central agent polls Openstack infrastructure, collector collects data in ampq or database, alarm evaluator decides if an alarm should take place, alarm notifier sends the alarm * QuickStart guide http://openstack.redhat.com/CeilometerQuickStart * List all what can be monitored .. code-block:: bash ceilometer meter-list * List collected data .. code-block:: bash ceilometer sample-list --meter cpu Heat ==== * http://docs.openstack.org/developer/heat/template_guide/hot_guide.html * http://docs.openstack.org/developer/heat/template_guide/openstack.html * Examples can be found on https://github.com/openstack/heat-templates/tree/master * Execute a heat template with parameters from console .. code-block:: bash heat stack-create mystack --template-file= --parameters="Param1=value;Param2=value" * Example script .. code-block:: bash heat_template_version: 2013-05-23 description: Create a network and an instance attached to it parameters: public_net_id: type: string description: > ID of floating network resources: private_net: type: OS::Neutron::Net properties: name: Privatenet private_subnet: type: OS::Neutron::Subnet properties: network_id: { get_resource: private_net } cidr: gateway_ip: allocation_pools: - start: end: router: type: OS::Neutron::Router router_gateway: type: OS::Neutron::RouterGateway properties: router_id: { get_resource: router } network_id: { get_param: public_net_id } router_interface: type: OS::Neutron::RouterInterface properties: router_id: { get_resource: router } subnet_id: { get_resource: private_subnet } server1: type: OS::Nova::Server properties: name: Server1 image: Test Image flavor: m1.small networks: - port: { get_resource: server1_port } server1_port: type: OS::Neutron::Port properties: network_id: { get_resource: private_net } fixed_ips: - subnet_id: { get_resource: private_subnet } Savana ====== * Register an image in glance found in the plugin page e.g. http://docs.openstack.org/developer/sahara/userdoc/spark_plugin.html * Register image in Data Processing -> Image Registry as described on the plugin page e.g. for Spark the user is ubuntu and tag is Spark version 1.0.0 * Create at least one Node Group Template (better one for master and one for slave nodes) * Create a Cluster Template to combine the Node Group Templates and define number of nodes per template * Click on Cluter -> Create Cluster Automatically backup instances ============================== * You can choose weekly instead of daily .. code-block:: bash nova backup daily Live migration ============== * Setup as described in http://docs.openstack.org/grizzly/openstack-compute/admin/content/configuring-migrations.html * Migrate a vm to another hypervisor .. code-block:: bash nova live-migration Where to find which service? ============================ .. code-block:: bash nova host-list nova hypervisor-list Where to find which instance? ============================= * Get hypervisor of an instance .. code-block:: bash nova show | grep OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:host * List all instances of a hypervisor .. code-block:: bash nova hypervisor-servers Statistics ========== .. code-block:: bash nova hypervisor-stats Updating to a new version ========================= * Every service has a db sync command .. code-block:: bash keystone-manage -vvv db_sync Logging & Debugging ==================== * Get an overall overview about the status of openstack .. code-block:: bash openstack-status * Every manage command like `nova-manage` or `cinder-manager` has a parameter `logs errors` * You can add the following lines to all `[DEFAULT]` config sections of all subsystems like nova or keystone etc .. code-block:: bash verbose=True debug=True * Every command has a `--debug` parameter .. code-block:: bash nova --debug list * Configure logging e.g. open /etc/nova/nova.conf and add the following line in `[DEFAULT]` secion .. code-block:: bash log-config=/etc/nova/logging.conf * Now create /etc/nova/logging.conf with the following content (syntax is `python logging `) .. code-block:: bash [logger_nova] level = DEBUG handlers = stderr qualname = nova * Got a `Malformed request url (HTTP 400)` -> Check keystone (user / service / endpoint configuration) and service config for `auth_strategy=keystone` .. code-block:: bash keystone service-list kestone endpoint-list * Got a `ERROR n/a (HTTP 401)` -> thats an auth failure check service and api config for same as above + tenant / user / password Compute node crashed ===================== * If the did not crash completely but openstack-nova-compute service is broken, the machine will still be running and you can ssh into them but not use vnc * If you decide to nevertheless migrate all vms first halt them otherwise the disk images will get crushed .. code-block:: bash ssh for VM in $(virsh list --uuid); do virsh shutdown $VM; done sleep 10 for VM in $(virsh list --uuid); do virsh destroy $VM; done * Maybe you can use `nova evacuate ` instead of plain sql * Connect to the master node and execute the following (dont forget to replace the two variables!) .. code-block:: bash echo "select uuid from instances where host = 'HOSTNAME_OF_CRASHED_NODE' and deleted = 0;" | mysql --skip-column-names nova > broken_vms echo "update instances set host = 'HOSTNAME_OF_NEW_NODE' where host = 'HOSTNAME_OF_CRASHED_NODE' and deleted = 0;" | mysql nova for VM in $(cat broken_vms); do nova reboot $VM; done * The following command should return no results .. code-block:: bash nova list --host Disable a service on a host =========================== * For example disable a compute node .. code-block:: bash nova-manage service disable nova-compute Troubleshooting Keystone ======================== * SSL error SSL_CTX_use_Privatekey_file:system lib -> Check permission of /etc/keystone/ssl (maybe chown keystone) * User / services etc doesnt appear in the database -> edit /etc/keystone/keystone.conf section `[catalog]` .. code-block:: bash driver = keystone.catalog.backends.sql.Catalog * Unable to communicate with identity service "Invalid tenant" "Not authorized" -> check that the os-username and -tenant you use have a corresponding admin role .. code-block:: bash keystone user-role-add --role-id --user-id --tenant-id * Select role in db .. code-block:: bash select m.data from user u join user_project_metadata m on u.id=m.user_id join project p on p.id=m.project_id where u.name="nova"; select * from role where id="a4b2afdf62baifgafaifga7f"; * Check ``token_format`` in keystone.conf should be ``UUID`` by default * `` 'Client' object has no attribute 'auth_tenant_id'`` .. code-block:: bash export SERVICE_TOKEN= export SERVICE_ENDPOINT= * Manually receive an auth token by executing ``keystone token-get`` or .. code-block:: bash curl -i '' -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" -d '{"auth": {"tenantName": "admin", "passwordCredentials": {"username": "admin", "password": "admin"}}}' Troubleshooting Neutron ======================= * What is for what? l2-agent (DHCP), l3-agent (floating ips and routers) * Check the neutron metadata agent is running and accessible (lives on .. code-block:: bash nova console-log * Status overview .. code-block:: bash neutron agent-list * Make sure the short hostname is not on loopback ip in ``/etc/hosts`` * Check br-int and br-ext exist and br-tun for gre tunnel setup .. code-block:: bash ovs-vsctl show * Check ``/var/log/neutron`` logs and that iproute tool support netns * Get a shell in the network namespace .. code-block:: bash ip netns list ip netns exec bash * ``Timeout while waiting on RPC response - topic: "network"`` -> check neutron config in ``/etc/nova/nova.conf`` on your compute nodes * ``Error: Local ip for ovs agent must be set when tunneling is enabled`` -> network device is not up / configured or name used is not in dns / /etc/hosts Troubleshooting Glance ====================== * Invalid OpenStack identity credentials -> Comment out `flavor=keystone` Troubleshooting Cinder ====================== * Check the LVM volumne group .. code-block:: bash vgdisplay cinder-volumes * Check that tgtd is running * HTTP 401 Permission denied? -> Edit /etc/cinder/api-paste.ini section `[filter:authtoken]` .. code-block:: bash admin_tenant_name=service admin_user=cinder admin_password=cinder * Cannot connect to AMQP server -> Edit /etc/cinder/cinder.conf .. code-block:: bash rpc_backend = cinder.rpc.impl_kombu * Check nova is using cinder (edit /etc/nova/nova.conf) .. code-block:: bash volume_api_class=nova.volume.cinder.API Troubleshooting Instances ========================= * Check nova logs for errors .. code-block:: bash nova-manage logs errors * Get information about the instance .. code-block:: bash nova show nova diagnostics * Instance in an broken task state? .. code-block:: bash nova reset-state nova reset-state --active * Qemu disk image is broken? .. code-block:: bash qemu-img check check Troubleshooting Nova ==================== * Read `Nova disaster recovery process ` * ``Instance instance-XXXXXXXX already exists`` --> the instance is running check with ``virsh list --all`` * Use `virsh` / `virt-manager` or `virt-viewer` for debugging purpose * Check nova services (ensure ntp is running on all nova nodes) .. code-block:: bash nova-manage service list * Restart all nova services .. code-block:: bash for svc in api objectstore compute network volume scheduler cert; do service openstack-nova-$svc restart ; done * Check cpu properties / kernel .. code-block:: bash egrep '(vmx|svm)' /proc/cpuinfo lsmod | grep kvm * No valid hosts found and log file says ``Unexpected vif_type=binding_failed`` -> check local_ip setting in [ovs] section in file /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini * libvirtError: internal error no supported architecture for os type 'hvm' .. code-block:: bash modprobe kvm * xxx in server list / Unable to connect to amqp server -> check that rabbitmq or qpid server is running * RabbitMQ config in `/etc/nova/nova.conf` .. code-block:: bash rpc_backend = nova.rpc.impl_kombu rabbit_host= * Unable to connect to AMQP server client: 0-10 -> rpc_backend in nova.conf doesnt match used server * AMQP server is unreachable: Socket closed -> Check credentials if socket is reachable .. code-block:: bash rabbitmqctl list_users rabbitmqctl change_password guest guest * or configure user / pass for rabbitmq access in `/etc/nova/nova.conf` .. code-block:: bash rabbit_userid=guest rabbit_password=guest * nova image-list returns `HTTP 401` -> thats auth failed check `/etc/nova/api-paste.ini` section `[filter:authtoken]` for .. code-block:: bash admin_tenant_name=service admin_user=nova admin_password=nova * All nova commands return `Malformed request url (HTTP 400)` -> check that openstack-nova-compute is running * compute manager `nova [-] list index out of range` -> you're doomed with the nova-compute cannot restart because you have machine in ERROR state bug. only way is to manually delete the machine from the database nova (table instances and all constraints) * `libvirt unable to read from monitor` -> check vnc settings in `/etc/nova/nova.conf` * nova list returns `[Errno 111] Connection refused` -> Check that nova-compute is running, maybe configure its port in /etc/nova/nova.conf .. code-block:: bash [nova.service] osapi_compute_listen_port=8774 Troubleshooting Horizon ======================= * Disable SeLinux `setenfore 0` * Permission denied -> Check httpd.conf, add the following to Directory directive .. code-block:: bash Require all granted * Command node not found -> Install http://www.nodejs.org Programming =========== * Overview about Openstack APIs http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/cloud/library/cl-openstack-pythonapis/index.html * Keystone .. code-block:: bash import keystoneclient.v2_0.client as ksclient conn = ksclient.Client(auth_url="", username="nova", password="nova", tenant_name="services") print conn.auth_token * Nova .. code-block:: bash import sys import time import novaclient.v1_1.client as nvclient username = "admin" password = "admin" tenant = "admin" auth_url = "" def get_hypervisor_for_host(hostname): try: hypervisor = nova.hypervisors.search(hostname, servers=True)[0] except Exception: hypervisor = None return hypervisor nova = nvclient.Client(username, password, tenant, auth_url) hypervisor = get_hypervisor_for_host(sys.argv[1]) if not hypervisor: print "Hypervisor " + sys.argv[1] + " cannot be found" sys.exit(1) if hasattr(hypervisor, "servers"): waiting_for_migrations = True for vm_dict in hypervisor.servers: vm = nova.servers.get(vm_dict.get('uuid')) print "Migrating " + vm.name vm.live_migrate() # wait for migration to complete sys.stdout.write("\nWaiting for migrations to finish ...") while waiting_for_migrations: sys.stdout.write(".") hypervisor = get_hypervisor_for_host(sys.argv[1]) if not hypervisor or not hasattr(hypervisor, "servers"): waiting_for_migrations = False sys.stdout.write("\n") else: time.sleep(1) else: print "Hypervisor " + sys.argv[1] + " serves no vms" Cool addons =========== * http://zerovm.org