########## Cassandra ########## Overview ======== * Cassandra is a partitioned row store database (Db split over whole cluster) * Replication for HA * Designed from the ground up as a distributed database with peer-to-peer communication (No Master node) * Feels lot like MySQL * Cassandra Demo App https://github.com/snazy/barker Specifics ========= * Update of non-existent data row will insert it as new, Insert of existing data row will update it * Select WHERE clause only possible for indexed fields (or by appending ALLOW FILTERING) Start CQL Client ================ .. code-block:: bash bin/cqlsh Create new database =================== .. code-block:: bash cqlsh> CREATE KEYSPACE app WITH replication = {'class': 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': 1}; cqlsh> use app; Create new table ================ .. code-block:: bash cqlsh:app> CREATE TABLE users (username TEXT PRIMARY KEY, firstname TEXT, surname TEXT, password BLOB, last_login TIMESTAMP); INSERT, UPDATE, SELECT, DELETE =============================== .. code-block:: bash cqlsh:app> INSERT INTO users (username, firstname, surname) VALUES ('balle', 'Sebastian', 'Ballmann') IF NOT EXISTS; cqlsh:app> UPDATE users SET firstname='Bastian' WHERE username = 'balle'; cqlsh:app> SELECT username, last_login FROM users WHERE surname='Ballmann' ALLOW FILTERING; cqlsh:app> DELETE FROM users WHERE username='balle'; Create a cluster ================ * Edit ``conf/cassandra.yaml`` * Set at least the Cluster name and listen_address * Include all nodes in seed provider list * Start cassandra on all nodes * Check cluster status .. code-block:: bash bin/nodetool status Import data from MySQL ====================== * Install squoop (http://sqoop.apache.org/) .. code-block:: bash sqoop import --connect jdbc:mysql:// --username root --cassandra-keyspace dev --cassandra-create-schema