

  • Run these commands on all nodes

yum install pacemaker pcs
passwd hacluster
  • Copy /etc/corosync/authkey to all nodes

  • Open UDP port 5405

  • Setup the cluster

    systemctl start corosync systemctl start pacemaker systemctl start pcsd pcs cluster auth node1 node2 node3 pcs cluster setup –name my-cluster node1 node2 node3

  • Edit /etc/corosync/corosync.conf and set

secauth: on
crypto_cipher: aes256
crypto_hash: sha512
  • Restart corosync

systemctl restart corosync
pcs cluster start
pcs cluster enable
pcs cluster status

Create a shared floating ip

pcs resource create ha-ip ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2 params ip="" cidr_netmask="32" op monitor interval="10s"

Show all resources

pcs resource show

Set mandatory fencing off

pcs property set stonith-enabled=false

Configure fencing via IPMI

  • Install fence-agents on every node

pcs stonith create node1 fence_ipmilan params auth="password" ipaddr="" login="root" passwd="secret" pcmk_host_list="node1" op monitor interval="30s"
pcs stonith create node2 fence_ipmilan params auth="password" ipaddr="" login="root" passwd="secret" pcmk_host_list="node2" op monitor interval="30s"
  • To test it execute

pcs stonith fence another-node

Configure fencing for libvirtd

  • On libvirt node install fence-virtd

mkdir /etc/cluster
dd if=/dev/urandom of=/etc/cluster/fence_xvm.key bs=4k count=1
semanage boolean -m --on fenced_can_network_connect
systemctl enable fence_virtd
systemctl start fence_virtd
  • On all nodes install fence-virt and copy /etc/cluster/fence_xvm.key to them

  • On all nodes and host allow tcp and udp to port 1229

  • On one node test fencing and enable it afterwards

fence_xvm -o list -a
pcs stonith create ha-fence fence_xvm multicast_address= pcmk_host_list="node1 node2 node3"

Enable / disable a resource

pcs resource enable/disable <resource>

Maintenance a node

  • On the node exec

pcs cluster standby

Reset logs of a resource

pcs resource cleanup <resource>

Debug a resource

pcs resource debug-start <resource>

Move a resource to another node

pcs resource move <resource> <node>

Define a service

  • Cloned means the service runs on all nodes, no clone only one node

  • mongodb is a name for the resource, mongod the name of the init script / systemd service

pcs resource create mongodb lsb:mongod --clone
  • For systemd services

pcs resource create myhaproxy systemd:mongod

Define a mountpoint

pcs resource create my-nfs Filesystem device= directory=/mnt fstype=nfs options=nolock

Group resources

pcs resource group add my-group resource1 resource2

Define constraints

  • Start order

pcs constraint order start <resource1> then <resource2>
  • Ensure both resources are on the same node

pcs contraint colocation add <resource1> with <resource2>
  • Prefered node

pcs contraint location <resource> prefers <node>
  • Delete a contraint (without with or then or prefers…)

pcs contraint [colocation|...] remove <resource1> <resource2>

Setup a 2 node cluster

  • Normally an odd number greater than 1 is used to build a cluster to form a valid quorom

pcs resource clone lsb:httpd globally-unique=true clone-max=2 clone-node-max=2