CLOS - Common Lisp Object System


  • Its class based, but

  • Methods are not bound to objects

  • Objects are bound to methods

  • It supports multiple inheritance

  • There is no enforce encapsulation (like in python) everyone can directly access all slots (properties) of an object


(defclass vehicle ()
    :initarg :black)))

(defclass automobile (vehicle)
    :initarg :4)))

(defclass motorbike (vehicle)
    :initarg :2)))

(defmethod drive ((vehicle automobile))
  (format *standard-output* "Driving a car~%"))

(defmethod drive ((vehicle motorbike))
  (format *standard-output* "Flying over the street with a motorbike~%"))

(defvar ferrari (make-instance 'automobile))
(defvar kawasaki (make-instance 'motorbike))

(drive ferrari)
(drive kawasaki)

Define Getter / Setter

  • If you dont like to access slot directly using (slot-value)

(defclass vehicle ()
    :initarg :black
    :reader color
    :writer (setf color)
    :accessor color)))

(setf (color ferrari) 'red)
(print (color ferrari))